2020-21 Mid-Term Prize Presentation Ceremony

23 April 2021

2020-21 Mid-Term Prize Presentation Ceremony

Academic awards

Secondary One

Top 3 students in Secondary One Classes


Wise One

Courageous One

Loyal One

Honest One

Sensible One


Cheung Sheung Chit

Yiu Ho Yuet Avery

Cheng Wing

Li Oi Yi

Chan Chak Wing, Song Peisha


Ng Hei Ching

Li Hoi Chi

Li Pak Yu

Chui Hiu Man

Lau Lok Hin


Chan Cheuk Yau

Chan Yan Pui

Azim Ka Ching

Chang Siu Man

Tsang Yau Sing

Top 3 students in Secondary One


Courageous One - Yiu Ho Yuet Avery


Wise One - Cheung Sheung Chit


Courageous One - Li Hoi Chi

Subject Awards in Secondary One

Chinese Language

Wise One - Cheung Sheung Chit

English Language

Wise One - Chan Cheuk Yau


Sensible One - Song Peisha


Courageous One - Yiu Ho Yuet Avery

Integrated Humanities

Wise One - Cheung Sheung Chit

Chinese History

Courageous One - Yiu Ho Yuet Avery


Courageous One - Yiu Ho Yuet Avery

Life Education

Courageous One - Yiu Ho Yuet Avery

Life Technology

Courageous One - Chan Yan Pui


Sensible One - To Chin Yuet

Visual Arts

Courageous One - Siu Yuet Yee

Physical Education

Courageous One - Li Hoi Chi

Most Improved Awards in subjects in Secondary One

Chinese Language

Sensible One - Liu Tingyu

English Language

Honest One - Xie Chun Ming


Loyal One - Kwok Shin Heng

Secondary Two

Top 3 students in Secondary Two Classes


WIse Two

Courageous Two

Loyal Two

Honest Two


Shea Wun Ting

Yu Pak Kiu

Cheung Wai Him

Chen Eva Suet Ping


Or Cheuk Nam

Lin Tung Wai

He Yuen Yu

Chong Sze Kei


Pau Ka Hin

Kiang Man Kit

Kam Ka Ho

Yan Ho Wang

Top 3 students in Secondary Two


Wise Two - Shea Wun Ting


Wise Two - Or Cheuk Nam


Wise Two - Pau Ka Hin

Subject Awards in Secondary Two

Chinese Language

Wise Two - Huang Wing Sze

English Language

Wise Two - Tam Ka Yi


Wise Two - Jarn Sung Lap


Wise Two - Jarn Sung Lap

Integrated Humanities

Wise Two - Pau Ka Hin

Chinese History

Wise Two - Huang Sze Man


Wise Two - Mo Seung Yue

Life Education

Wise Two - Huang Wing Sze

Life Technology

Courageous Two - Yu Pak Kiu


Loyal Two - Cheung Wai Him

Courageous Two - Chan Yu Tung

Visual Arts

Wise Two - Huang Sze Man

Physical Education

Honest Two - Yan Ho Wang

Most Improved Students Awards in Secondary Two


Wise Two - Jarn Sung Lap


Courageous Two - Luo Tsz Him


Honest Two - Au Wa

Most Improved Awards in subjects in Secondary Two

Chinese Language

Courageous Two - Chong Hoi Tik

English Language

Honest Two - Tang Tsz Ching Christy


Wise Two - Jarn Sung Lap


Loyal Two - Cheung Wai Him

Integrated Humanities

Courageous Two - Fung Tsz Nok Kevin

Chinese History

Wise Two - Chan Chi Kiu

Secondary Three

Top 3 students in Secondary Three Classes


Wise Three

Courageous Three

Loyal Three

Honest Three


Ho Zheng Wing

Kan Tsz Man Zoe

Leung Ka Man

Hung Yat Yin


Ho Sze Lok

Jarn Sung Hei

Hui Sin Nga

Chui Sheung Kit


Siu Lok Yi

Chan Lok Hin

Tsang Man Yi

Lo Hiu Ching

Top 3 students in Secondary Three


Wise Three - Ho Zheng Wing


Wise Three - Ho Sze Lok


Wise Three - Siu Lok Yi

Subject Awards in Secondary Three

Chinese Language

Wise Three - Cheung Po Man

English Language

Wise Three - Ho Zheng Wing


Wise Three - Long Yui Hang


Wise Three - Long Yui Hang


Wise Three - Long Yui Hang


Wise Three - Ho Zheng Wing


Wise Three - Ho Zheng Wing


Wise Three - Ho Lok Yan

Economics and Public Affairs

Loyal Three - Leung Ka Man

Life Education

Honest Three - Hung Yat Yin

Computer Literacy

Wise Three - Ho Lok Yan


Wise Three - Siu Lok Yi

Visual Arts

Loyal Three - Tang Sheung Wan

Physical Education

Loyal Three - Ngan Nok Yan

Most Improved Students Awards in Secondary Three


Loyal Three - Chan Tsz Wai


Wise Three - Ngai Chun Hei Hugo


Courageous Three - Chung Cheuk Wing Tweety

Secondary Four

Top 3 students in Secondary Four Classes


Wise Four

Courageous Four

Loyal Four

Honest Four


Leung Shuk Ching

Cheung Ka Kit

Hau Cheuk Ying

Wong Long Hei


Li Ka Kuen

Cheung Hong Laam

Fong Ming Chit

Cheng Yu Hin


Au Yeung Kwok Tung

Lam Chun Ngai Aska

Cheng Cheuk Yi

Zhow Man Sing

Top 3 students in Secondary Four


Wise Four - Leung Shuk Ching


Wise Four - Li Ka Kuen


Honest Four - Wong Long Hei

Subject Awards in Secondary Four

Chinese Language

Wise Four - Leung Shuk Ching

English Language

Wise Four - Li Ka Kuen


Wise Four - Leung Shuk Ching

Mathematics Extended Part Module 1

Wise Four - Leung Shuk Ching

Liberal Studies

Honest Four - Wong Long Hei


Wise Four - Leung Shuk Ching

Chemistry (Chinese group)

Courageous Four - Yeung Kwan Ho

Chemistry (English group)

Wise Four - Leung Kuen Kit


Wise Four - Chan Kwun Lam


Honest Four - Wong Long Hei


Honest Four - Wong Long Hei

Chinese History

Honest Four - Zhow Man Sing

Economics (Chinese group)

Honest Four - Chau Wing Nam

Economics (English group)

Wise Four - Li Ka Kuen

Business, Accounting and Financial Studies

Wise Four - Li Ka Kuen

Chinese Literature

Wise Four - Leung Shuk Ching

Information and Communication Technology

Wise Four - Au Yeung Kwok Tung

Visual Arts

Loyal Four - Hau Cheuk Ying

Physical Education

Wise Four - Chiu Ka Tsin

Most Improved Students Awards in Secondary Four


Loyal Four - Lo Hong Shun


Honest Four - Cheng Tsz Ho


Courageous Four - Cheng Tsz Ho

 Most Improved Awards in subjects

Chinese Language

Courageous Four - Cheung Hong Laam

English Language

Loyal Four - Chan Venus


Honest Four - Chui Ho Pan


Wise Four - Seto Ming Ki


Courageous Four - Yeung Kwan Ho


Wise Four - Chan Kwun Lam


Honest Four - Wong Long Hei


Honest Four - Wong Long Hei

Chinese History

Loyal Four - Tsang Tze Hen


Honest Four - Chau Wing Nam

Business, Accounting and Financial Studies

Loyal Four - Hui Tsun Fung

Information and Communication Technology

Honest Four - Lui Kit Hei

Visual Arts

Honest Four - Fok Ching Yan

Secondary Five

Top 3 students in Secondary Five Classes

  Wise Five Courageous Five Loyal Five Honest Five
1st Tsang Wing Tung Chan Siu Ping Wong Yan Hei Wu Chun Hei
2nd Lau Tsz Yan Ng Sui Lun Kanok Xu Ying Xin Lui Nga Man
3rd Yeung Tsz Shan Li Wing Yan Ng Tsz Yin Tai Ka Man

Top 3 students in Secondary Five

1st Wise Five - Tsang Wing Tung
2nd Wise Five - Lau Tsz Yan
3rd Wise Five - Yeung Tsz Shan

Subject Awards in Secondary Five

Chinese Language Courageous Five - Chan Siu Ping
English Language Wise Five - Tsang Wing Tung
Mathematics Wise Five - Yeung Tsz Shan
Mathematics Extended Part Module 1 Wise Five - Ma Chung Wing Alycia
Liberal Studies Wise Five - Yeung Tsz Shan
Physics Wise Five - Wong Ting Hei Gabrielle
Chemistry (English group) Wise Five - Tsang Wing Tung
Biology Wise Five - Tsang Wing Tung
Geography Wise Five - Lau Tsz Yan
History Wise Five - Lau Tsz Yan
Chinese History Wise Five - Chong Yan Krystal
Economics (Chinese group) Courageous Five - Chan Siu Ping
Economics (English group) Wise Five - Szeto Man Lam
Business, Accounting and Financial Studies Wise Five - Tsang Wing Tung
Chinese Literature Loyal Five - Xu Ying Xin
Information and Communication Technology Wise Five - Wong Ting Hei Gabrielle
Visual Arts Courageous Five - Chan Ka Wing
Physical Education Honest Five - Guo Hiu King

Most Improved Students Awards in Secondary Five

1st Wise Five - Tang Long Yin
2nd Honest Five - Wong Hiu Kin
3rd Honest Five - Tai Ka Man

Most Improved Awards in subjects in Secondary Five

Chinese Language Honest Five - Cheung Tung Ming
English Language Wise Five - Ma Chung Wing Alycia
Mathematics Courageous Five - Lee Nok Hang
Mathematics Extended Part Module 1 Wise Five - Ma Chung Wing Alycia
Liberal Studies Courageous Five - Chan Siu Ping
Physics Wise Five - Ho Long Shan Ronson
Chemistry (English group) Wise Five - Tang Long Yin
Biology Wise Five - O Pok Yu
Geography Loyal Five - Shum Shuen
History Loyal Five - Hung Tin Ching
Chinese History Loyal Five - Har Sheung Chi
Economics (Chinese group) Wise Five - Lee Man Tik
Business, Accounting and Financial Studies Honest Five - Wong Hiu Kin
Chinese Literature Wise Five - Chan Wai Hang
Information and Communication Technology Wise Five - Chui Wang Kit
Visual Arts Honest Five - Fung Cheuk Lam

Activity Awards

20th Anniversary Inter-class Craft Display Board Design Competition

20th Anniversary Inter-class Craft Display Board Design Competition


Secondary One

Secondary Two

Secondary Three


Loyal One

Wise Two

Wise Three

1st Runner-up

Honest One

Honest Two

Courageous Three

The Most Creative Award

Courageous One

Honest Two

Honest Three

20th Anniversary Athletics Meet Programme Cover Design Competition

20th Anniversary Athletics Meet Programme Cover Design Competition


Courageous Six - Lee Yuk Yi

1st Runner-up

Honest Five - Jiang Sin Yee

2nd Runner-up

Loyal Three - Tang Sheung Wan

Outstanding Awards

Wise Two - Cheng Lok Yin


Loyal Two - Wong Sze Man


Courageous Five - Chan Ka Wing


Honest Five - Fung Cheuk Lam


Honest Five - Ho Sin Ying


Wise Six - Wong Lok Lam

20th Anniversary Online Class Photo Competition and Creative Class Photo Competition

20th Anniversary Online Class Photo Competition

Secondary One

Secondary Two

Secondary Three

Secondary Four

Secondary Five

Secondary Six

Loyal One

Loyal Two

Loyal Three

Courageous Four

Honest Five

Honest Six

Creative Class Photo Competition


Junior Secondary

Senior Secondary


Wise Three

Honest Five

1st Runner-up

Loyal Two

Honest Six

2nd Runner-up

Wise Two

Loyal Six

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